This was one was fun to do. What started out a simple speed run, turned out a complex image. Well, I say 'complex' but I really mean is that the logic I have. If I more relaxed and have consideration for logic and gravity, the more I enjoy working on the image. I do like this very much as long I don't think about it too much.
Also, this was a chance to use a character I have pretty much in the closet. I have her outdated character chart uploaded here.
This was my submission for an online magazine, Glacee. However, I haven't heard anything from them nor have they updated for a few months. I'm not sure if it still going or I wasn't accepted. I'm not even sure if I should be uploading this.
This was originally was made for a friend as a tutorial. Well, sort of. I'm terrible at explaining anything. I rather grew fond of it after I was done and decided to color all of it. This was also an attempted to try out some Classical Lolita elements. I honestly forgot about the background towards the end and made it up as I went along.
Also, explains why she doesn't have legs. I didn't know until I thought I was done.
Watch the tutorial over here. No audio. I never said I was the best.
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