Monday, November 28, 2011

Back and some fanart

Whoa! How long has it been since I last logged in? I do apologize for that. Just life, college got in the way. As a result as well, I don't have that much art pieces to show.

Anyway to the fanart, this was something I just wanted to get out. Also, I just wanted a new wallpaper for myself. Looking at it, the whole image is kind of sort stiff or a little bland. I tried to mix a little bit of the Lolita fashion and hime gyaru (Hime Lolita?). However, as you see, I just couldn't pull it off for one reason or another.

Pretty simple overall.

I don't think I ever uploaded the original of this. This one is just recolored since I thought the original was pretty bad. I was mostly taking a risk of using the watercolors without testing them first. Yeah, not much else.

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