Friday, May 28, 2010

Utena and Candy Star Rabbit

I keep making new images and leaving the others in the dust. Well, I made this to relieve some stress and also, experiment a little. I'm going to see how far I get before I break down and cry. Any day now (It has been confirmed on Tuesday), I'll be heading to the north. I'm just nervous about the whole thing. It's been years since I traveled with my family. (Oh, this is fan art of Revolutionary Girl Utena.)

Also, this is such a lovely dress. I really like the colors and print of it (even if it's a bit childish. c:). Too bad, the store already stopped making it. Maybe, I'll find someone selling it, someday (any version of the raspberry print would do). I just thought I let you know. : P

1 comment:

Crazy Spork I Am said...

Thanks very much for showing me your colored version! Is it alright if I can post it to my blog (linking you of course :D)?